Everything you need to work with me
Past Experience
While following the often broken, circular and sometimes stand-still paths of illness & disability I have …
DevelopEd & Hosted a community radio program
Wolf song Radio featured my own inspirational storytelling and interviews with local creatives and holistic healers.
Produced & managed a successful holistic health fare
Providing visibility & affordable promotion for holistic healers and health practitioners, Kaleidoscope Fair welcomed hundreds of people in a small city each year.
Presented & Taught in various formats
I taught my first holistic healing class in 1996. Since then I have created and offered programs in meditation, spiritual development, authentic living, sacred ritual and intuitive healing.
performed on stage
Spoken word, storytelling, comedic monologues, MC’ing for variety showcases I produced and even a little dance — I’ve done a bit of (almost) everything!
Signature Topics
Embodied Writing
Writing as a holistic practice holding endless fractals of healing, creativity, and nerdy joy
Seeding Rest, Rooting Ritual
Creative everyday slowness & honouring life’s natural cycles
The Poly-Queer Who Can’t Date
The magical weirdness of Queerness, Disability & chronic social isolation
Love is Not Enough – We Need Grief Too
Recovering from inspiration addiction & embracing the authenticity of limitation
Beauty, Blessing & Busted-up Bodies
Honouring, accepting and learning from our bodies — no matter what
There Are No Maps For Where We Are
Tending to the dying of modern society & how to live together, between worlds
You Can ask me anything!
Grab the Topic Deep-Dive
A few suggestions for all interviews and more insight into each of my favourite conversations

All the things!
Media Kit
Bios for writing and spiritual practice in different lengths; pic; links; one sheets
Feedback for Arria
I am honoured to share some of what others have said about my work
Arria Deepwater is one of the most sincere people I have ever met. This level of authenticity translates perfectly into her stage presence, as she shares thoughts, insights, and guidance with her captivated audience. It is a rare gift to successfully stand on a stage and connect with an audience as an MC and even more rare to connect as a teacher. Arria Deepwater is one who has such a gift in both of these realms.
Arria is a born storyteller and true mystic. That combination spells Teacher to me, and the very best kind. Her words are gentle, her laughter frequent, and the message she imparts by her very presence is always clear.
Arria is a deeply inspired and highly engaging speaker who profoundly affects all those who have the fortune of sharing in her consciousness. She possess a unique ability to captive an audience while simultaneously creating an energized and eager space for a fellow presenter. Her keen ability to read an audience and her gentle incorporation of humour, culminate to lighten the energy of a room and spark a deep reverence and sense of the sacred.